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The Psychometrics Centre

Cambridge Judge Business School


Dr Luning Sun is Research Director of The Psychometrics Centre and Research Associate in the Operations and Technology Management Group at the Cambridge Judge Business School. He is project director for the ESRC ORA Plus Scheme to develop the International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR), a public-domain and open-source tool that provides a large and dynamic bank of cognitive ability measures for use in a wide variety of applications. ORA PLus is a collaboration between several European funding bodies (ESRC in the UK, ANR in France, DFG in Germany, and NWO in the Netherlands) and the NSF in the United States.  International collaborators include Dr. Philipp Doebler and Professor Heinz Holling at the University of Munster, and Dr. David Condon and Professor William Revelle at North Western University,  Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Luning's research focusses on personality and ability assessment, adaptive testing in clinical assessment, and test development for educational and occupational assessment. He completed his PhD in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge in 2014 with the support of a Gates Scholarship. He graduated with a BSc in Psychology in the College of Science at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China in 2008 with 1st Class honours. During his time at Zhejiang he received an accolade of awards and prizes, including 'Excellent Student Leader', 'Volunteer with Three Stars', and 'Excellent Social Practice'.

In 2008 Luning began his career as a neuropsychologist, joining the Masters course in Neurocognitive Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München, Germany where he was awarded his degree in 2010 with high honours with a project on contextual learning in visual search. In 2007, Luning held a research internship in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychophysiology at the Psychiatric Hospital of Munich, working on a project supervised by Professor Dr Engel to study the validity of a computerized interpretation of MMPI-2 profiles. In 2008 he continued as Professor Engel's Research Assistant to perform a meta-analysis on neuropsychological test norms. In 2009 he continued his work in the hospital as Research Assistant to Professor Dr Hennig-Fast, carrying out a functional imaging study of Theory of Mind abilities in patients with schizophrenia.

Luning is fluent in Chinese, German and English.

Click here to email Luning Sun

Research Director
Available for consultancy

