Find your perfect job, with instant psychological feedback and recommendations.
We worked with people consultancy The Chemistry Group on a project for enterprise software corporation SAP to develop a personalised recruitment portal on Facebook. The 'Perfect Match' app asked users to share their Facebook Page Likes to obtain a psychological prediction and job recommendation using our algorithms.
Users then received instant feedback on their BIG5 Personality, as well as a personalised recommendation for one of many job roles available at SAP. For example, those with higher than average extroversion may be suggested a role in the sales team, while those higher in agreeableness may be better suited to HR.
This personalised portal designed for information and engagement purposes only, and neither the Facebook data nor resulting predictions were used in the recruitment decision. This initiative demonstrates the potential for predictive technologies to make recruitment and employee engagement more individual, without disadvantaging or otherwise alienating prospective candidates.
In an age where job seekers are increasingly concerned about how their social media activity might be perceived by recruiters, the Perfect Match app provides a positive example of the benefits of transparency. Creating an engaging and personalised dialogue at the early stages of a candidate's experience could also have a long-term impact on their happiness and performance in the organisation. The Psychometrics Centre is actively investigating this and other research questions to better understand the future of social recruiting and the digital job markets.
The Perfect Match App received a host of international accolades for its innovative approach to employer brand and online recruitment. Some of these are listed below:
Recruiter Awards 2017 (2 Awards 3 Accolades)
WINNER In-House Innovation in Recruitment (for the Assessments, ‘Perfect Match’ Facebook App, ‘Get Home’ Recruitment Game)
WINNER Best Candidate Experience (for the Assessments, ‘Perfect Match’ Facebook App, ‘Get Home’ Recruitment Game)
Employment Brand Management Awards 2017 (11 Awards)
GOLD - Best employer brand innovation (for the Assessments, ‘Perfect Match’ Facebook App, ‘Get Home’ Recruitment Game)
Global Best Employer Brand Awards (4 Awards)
Award for Excellence in HR through Technology
Award for Innovation in Recruitment (Assessments Facebook App & Game)
Asia Singapore 2017 (8 Awards)
GOLD – Best Recruitment Innovation by a Corporate HR Team (for the Assessments, ‘Perfect Match’ Facebook App, ‘Get Home’ Recruitment Game)
SILVER - Best Candidate Experience by a Corporate HR Team
Asia Malaysia 2017 (5 Awards)
GOLD - Best use of Recruitment Technology (for the Assessments, ‘Perfect Match’ Facebook App, ‘Get Home’ Recruitment Game
Asia Recruitment Awards Hong Kong (5 Awards)
BRONZE - Best Recruitment Innovation by a Corporate HR Team (for the Assessments, ‘Perfect Match’ Facebook App, ‘Get Home’ Recruitment Game)