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The Psychometrics Centre

Cambridge Judge Business School

Our psychometric methods workshops will equip you with the skills needed to developing your own state-of-the-art psychometric tests. We offer a comprehensive introduction to Item Response Theory (IRT), Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) and the open-source Concerto platform, through which you can gain practical experience of how an online adaptive test is developed. Furthermore, we offer training for those who operate at the cutting-edge of psychometric methodologies in Latent Variable Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling.

Upcoming Workshops:

We further provide workshops designed to address the needs of research staff and postgraduate students who operate at the cutting-edge methodology in . Most of our workshops use the R programming language but are suitable for a range of abilities, from absolute beginners with little or no prior knowledge to more advanced courses addressing particular analytic methods. These may include: 

  • General Structural Equation Modelling (including mediation and moderation)
  • Exploratory, Confirmatory and Multiple Group Factor Analysis,
  • Latent Growth Curve Models and Latent Growth Class Analysis/Mixture Models 
  • Measurement Equivalence and Differential Item Functioning (DIF),
  • MIMIC models
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • Multivariate Item Response Theory (MIRT)

Workshops include a range of tutorials and practical sessions. Participants should bring their laptop computers with the relevant software installed.


What our participants say:

  • "The workshop was very comprehensive in the material it covered, and the tutors were very warm and approachable." (SEMinR, January, 2018)
  • "Well structured, teachers went through things slowly and clearly. Lots of practice." (SEMinR, January 2018)
  • (Live online) "While it was a shame not to visit Cambridge, I thought the online format worked really well. I really enjoyed the course and it has given me a lot to think about in my own research! " (Doctoral Research Fellow, UK)
  • "I liked the 'spirit' of the workshop which was intense, motivating and very hands-on - thank you so much for a brilliant course!"
  • "Thanks for such an excellent course to introduce the Concerto project and software. It was really helpful and well delivered. I realise that I now need to learn more about using R!" (Researcher, Norway)
  • "I am very excited about applying the techniques you've shown me to my own data!" (Researcher, Portugal)
  • "I really enjoyed the course. The tutors were both excellent at presenting very technical information and I thought the course was very well organised to address the range of knowledge across the participants and make sure everyone benefited the same." (Researcher, London)
  • "This course was well paced, informative and I think everybody enjoyed it and got a lot of out of it. This is rare in either stats or software courses so amazing to get it right on both counts" (University Lecturer, London)

Upcoming events