Computer-Adaptive Testing Made Easy
Now anyone can create online assessments, from simple surveys to sophisticated IRT-based computer-adaptive tests (CATs) with textual and graphical feedback. Concerto uses the powerful R statistical programming language, which you can use to do any calculations your test requires. Concerto is free for academic and commercial use. There are no set-up costs, no hidden licence fees and no limitations.
Click here to get started with Concerto
- Quality of Life CAT: This version of the WHO’s Quality of Life assessment, thanks to IRT and Concerto, is up to 75% shorter, has higher reliability and provides instant feedback.
- Vocabulary CAT Demo: see how Concerto's algorithms work behind the scenes in this adaptive fill-in-the-blank vocabulary test
- Multilingual Test (English and Chinese): Quality of Life CAT demo related to diabetic eye disease, with Emotional Outcomes.
- On-the-fly item generation test: An ability test of verbal logic that uses real-time item generation.
- And see how others are using Concerto
Concerto is free, but we are glad to help with:
- The installation and maintenance of Concerto on your server
- Managed hosting options for professional administration
- Designing and running Concerto tests
- Designing a test layout and customised templates
- Analysing results and deriving IRT item parameters
- Developing new test items
- Participant recruitment and data collection
- Training your staff to get the most out of Concerto. More info here
Our standard rates for psychometric and technical support with Concerto are £200 per hour + VAT. VAT rates will differ depending on your location and on whether you are an individual or business. Contact us for information.
- Workshops
- Tutorials and Documentation
- Please report any issues here
- Legacy Concerto Versions 3 and 4 (discontinued)
Harrison, C., Loe, B. S., Lis, P., & Sidey-Gibbons, C. (2020). Maximizing the Potential of Patient-Reported Assessments by Using the Open-Source Concerto Platform With Computerized Adaptive Testing and Machine Learning. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), e20950. https://doi.org/10.2196/20950
Scalise, K. & Allen, D. D. Use of open-source software for adaptive measurement: Concerto as an R-based computer adaptive development and delivery platform. Br. J. Math. Stat. Psychol. 68, 478–496 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1111/bmsp.12057
Oppl, S., Reisinger, F., Eckmaier, A. A flexible online platform for computerized adaptive testing.Int J Educ Technol High Educ. 14, 2 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-017-0039-0