Computers know you better than your friends
Wall Street Journal (22/7/15); Huffington Post, 13/1/15; Science, 12/1/15; Washington Post, 13/1/15; Financial Times, 13/1/15; Time, 13/1/15; Guardian, 13/1/15; Telegraph, 13/1/15; Scotsman, 13/1/15; New Scientist, 13/1/15; International Business Times, 13/1/15; Heart, 13/1/15; Computerworld UK, 13/1/15; Wired, 13/1/15; Daily Mail, 13/1/15; The Drum, 13/1/15; The Australian, 13/1/15; iefimerida,
Money can buy happiness (sometimes)
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/consumer-affairs/money-can-buy-happiness---if-you-spend-in-the-right-way-accordin/
- http://time.com/money/4285838/money-can-buy-happiness-study/
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3526677/Money-really-buy-happiness-spend-items-match-personality.html
- http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/money-could-buy-you-happiness-if-the-item-matches-your-personality-cambridge-university-study-a6972716.html
- http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2016-04-07/study-finds-money-can-buy-you-happiness/
- http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/New-Cambridge-study-suggest-money-reall-buy/story-29071289-detail/story.html
- http://uk.complex.com/life/2016/04/money-can-buy-happiness-study
- http://www.bustle.com/articles/153086-money-can-buy-happiness-says-science-but-only-if-you-spend-it-on-the-right-things
- http://www.9news.com.au/world/2016/04/08/17/38/cambridge-university-study-says-money-can-buy-you-happiness
How musical taste changes with age
Science Daily, 17/10/13; Daily Mail, 16/10/13; Daily Telegraph, 16/10/13; Business Standard, 16/10/13; Classical Music.com, 17/10/13), Muzica vârstelor (Gazeta de Sud, 19/10/13)
Facebook Likes predict personality
Click here to see three minute video mix of TV coverage
How Online Personality Assessments Could Revolutionize Hiring (Entrepreneur,17/10/13); The Like Trail (Huffington Post, 12/3/13); Financial Times (print edition); Facebook 'likes' predict personality (BBC News, 11/3/13); What your Facebook clicks reveals (Times, 28/6/13); The power of the mass (Technology Review, 22/3/2012); More privacy perils (Forbes Magazine, 12/3/13); When 'Likes' can shed light (Wall Street Journal,11/3/13); Facebook study shows 'likes' reveal a lot (Washington Post, 11/3/13); Facebook 'Likes' are more revealing than you think (Time Magazine, 12/3/13); Facebook says you're smart if you like curly fries (Toronto Star, 11/3/13); What you like on Facebook can be revealing (Hindustan Times, 12/3/13) Be careful what you 'like' (South China Morning Post, 12/3/13); Associated Press,AFP, Guardian (with a big banner, and a follow-up blog), The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Financial Times, The Independent, USA Today (including on Top News section), Fox News, Los Angeles Times, Sydney Morning Herald.ie, NPR, New Yorker, New Scientist, Science Magazine News,CBC News, Psychology Today, Cosmo, Marie Claire, The Express, MSN Now (and 'Editors Pick'), NBC (inc front page), The Atlantic,Wired, International Business Times, The Telegraph India, Bankok Post, Yahoo! News Singapore, Channel4, Herald Scotland, Metro, The Register, Gizmodo, Epoch Times, The Advertiser, HITC Tech, Think Digit, Nature World News, The Drum, ABC Science, The Australian, The Raw Story,IBTimes, The Verge, Smithsonian El Mundo, Goukr, BBC Persia, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Wirtualne Media, Dvenik.hr, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Die Welt (and the front page), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Heise Online, Die Presse, BioBioChile, UOL Noticias, 20 Minutes.fr, L'Expansion, La Depeche, Repubblica.it, Campaign Asia
How to cheat a psychometric test (Financial Times, 2014)
Microsoft researchers identify Crowd-IQ (Newsticker, March 22nd 2012)
Psychology is the solution (The Psychologist, November 2011)
John Rust in 'Meet the Expert' (Pearson Assessment Newsletter, 21st October 2011)
With friends like these ... (Research News, April 22nd 2011)
LikeAudience helps marketers determine profile traits (Inside Facebook, April 1st 2011)
Is a high IQ a burden as much as a blessing? (Sam Night, Financial Times April 2009)
Firms turn to psychometric tests to pick graduate recruits (Education Guardian, 10th July 2007)
Receiver of wisdom: John Crace meets the unassuming moral philosopher who reshaped our understanding of IQ (The Guardian, 2nd January 2007)
Qualifications come under new age laws (Shout99, 28th September 2006)
Aging job applicants cannot be asked for qualifications (Response Source, 28th September 2006)