The Psychometrics Centre partnered with pan Testing to provide the UK's first centre dedicated to online testing at City University in 2005.
Performance Assessment Network (pan) are world leaders in internet testing. Their easy-to-use, secure technology delivers tests on-line to Procter & Gamble, the US Government's Homeland Security Programme and the Canadian Civil Service.
pan do not sell their own tests. They supply around 500 titles from 35 internationally known assessment publishers, offering you instruments that best meet your needs, rather than ones driven by their bottom line.
There are 50 pan on-line testing centres in the USA. The approach has worked with thousands of companies on projects ranging from huge recruitment exercises to one-off in-depth assessments. The Psychometrics Centre's partnership with pan delivered this approach in the UK for the first time. Based on a newly-opened building in the City of London, the on-line centre incorporated quality assured hardware and pan's proven software.
International organisations increasingly need to assess existing and future employees in different countries on the same instruments. On-line testing increases the speed and reduces the costs of this process. But there are real concerns about the quality of the experience for candidates and existing employees being tested. The Centre is at the forefront of new developments in assessment, not least the use of technology to make world-class test more easily available while keeping to the highest professional standards. Our clients have ranged from Australian banks wishing to recruit overseas, to small companies who do not themselves have the expertise to provide online assessment services during the recruitment process
Today, many organisations prefer to test their candidates in-house rather than at a dedicated site, a trend that is continuing both in the US and the UK. The Centre's highly trained, professional staff had access to a wide range of the world's assessments, and are able to advise test practice and to handle the whole on-line testing process from invitations to the testing session to analysis of the results and individual feedback..
Contact us if you would like to know more about our online testing services.