First UK Meeting of Mplus Users, University of Bristol, 2009
This two half-day meeting brought together Mplus users from around the UK and beyond. Organised by Kate Tilling (Bristol), Tim Croudace (Cambridge) and Jon Heron (Bristol/Cambridge) and held in the Dept of Social Medicine (Bristol).
Presentations comprised a range of latent variable models from a variety of disciplines, and included a live presentation from Bengt Muthen via a phone line. The majority of the talks can be downloaded below, some which included work-in-progress will be uploaded at a later date.
Yu-Kang Tu and Mark Gilthorpe, University of Leeds, Latent Growth Curve Models, Multilevel Models and Marginal Models for Longitudinal Data Analysis in MPLUS. (Slides)
Amanda Sacker, University of Essex. Socio-economic influences on self-rated health trajectories: evidence from four OECD countries. (Slides)
Gareth Hagger-Johnson, University of Leeds. GMM of alcohol consumption in young people.(Slides)
Ulrich Reninghaus, Queen Mary College, London. Using the bifactor model to establish "essential" unidimensionality of patient reported outcomes in mental health services research.
Rosemary Ensor and Claire Hughes, Uniiversity of Cambridge. Measurement Invariance: Why and How? (Slides)
Bengt Muthen, University of California, Los Angeles, Growth modeling with non-ignorable missing data using the Mplus latent variable framework. (Slides)
Graham Dunn, University of Manchester. Finite mixture models to look at the causal effects of process variables (therapeutic alliance and fidelity to the therapeutic model) in RCTs of psychological interventions.
George Ploubidis, London School of Health and Tropical Medicine, Health measurement in population surveys: combining information from self reported and observer measured health indicators. (Slides)
Trynke Hoekstra, University of Amsterdam. A Piecewise Latent Class Growth Mixture Modelling Analysis to investigate distinct life course developmental patterns of body fatness as predictors for cardiovascular disease risk factors - are the analyses worth the time and effort? (Slides)
Anna Brown, SHL, London, Modelling of responses to multidimensional forced-choice questionnaires. (Slides)
Nigel Guencole, Goldsmiths College, London. Toward a Better Understanding of Support for National Smoking Bans: A Latent Growth Modeling Study based on Theories of Fairness and Self Interest. (Slides)
Graciela Muniz, University of Cambridge. Using a growth model to examine the terminal decline hypothesis. (Slides)
Jon Heron, ALSPAC, Bristol, and University of Cambridge. Depressive symptoms and the onset of menarche (Slides)