Inventaire des Tendances Dysfonctionnelles (TD12)
In 2009 The Psychometrics Centre translated and standardized in the UK the French language test TD12 for ECPA (Les Editions du Centre de Psychologie Appliquee), the French subsidiary of Pearson Assessment.
TD12 capitalises on the idea that the forms of personality aberration seen by psychiatrists (called 'troubles de la personnalité' in French) are but the extreme end of continua and represent characteristics that many of us easily recognize in the foibles of our friends and colleagues. It contains the 12 subscales of
- Suspiciousness
- Emotional isolation
- Eccentric ideation
- Antisocial aggression
- Shamelessness
- Over-theatricality
- Narcissism
- Over-dependence
- Wariness
- Obsessionality
- Stubborn procrastination
- Undue pessimism
It has proved popular in recruitment to major corporations as well as the French Police and the Foreign Legion.