The Psychometrics Centre thrives on research and development activities that involve commercial or governmental partners. Here are some of our projects.
2019-21 | Current collaborative projects |
Online adaptive testing of literacy, numeracy, chemistry and critical thinking in Concerto platform | |
SERI | Computer-adaptive assessment of eye health conditions to improve clinical care |
Evaluating psychometric properties of speech and language assessment tools | |
Bangor University | Developing multimedia-type phoneme awareness tests with Concerto |
Nationwide adaptive testing in literacy, numeracy and digital skills with Concerto | |
MD Anderson | Integrating PROMs, CAT and machine-learning with clinical care and surgical decision-making |
Reformulary Group | Computer-adaptive quality of life assessment and development of a bespoke productivity assessment |
Increasing actionability of PROMs data with mood reporting, CAT and machine-learning | |
AU Client | Adaptive assessment at scale for the Australian graduate recruitment market |
EU Client | Online multi-trait assessment for recruitment and development of airline pilots |
US Client | Online test development and automated IRT-based scoring of data from clinical trials |