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The Psychometrics Centre

Cambridge Judge Business School


John Rust is the founder of The Psychometrics Centre and an Associate Fellow of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. He is also a Senior Member of Darwin College. John combines a huge academic and intellectual reputation in the field of testing and assessment with practical applications experience in a range of blue chips. He retired from his role as Director of the Centre in March 2019 - read more.

John has a very broad interest in all aspects of both pure and applied psychometrics, whether it be academic research or challenging business applications. His work ranges from the investigation of advanced statistical and computational techniques for use in test development, to the UK standardisations of widely used psychometric tests such as

  • the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinkling Appraisal (WG-CTA)
  • the NEO PI-R and the BIP personality tests
  • the Wechsler scales of childrens' intelligence (WISC-IV, WPPSI-III, WIAT-II)
  • The Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC-II)
  • the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-IV and CELF Preschool-II)
  • the Ravens Progressive Matrices (CPM and SPM+)
  • the Mill Hill and the Crichton Vocabulary Scales (MVS and CVS)

He has authored several well known tests, including

  • Orpheus, a work based personality test
  • Giotto, an integrity test
  • RANRA, a test of numerical reasoning ability
  • GRIMS and GRISS, assessments of personal relationships
  • RISC, an assessment of clinical state

His interests range from the assessment of special educational needs in children to the assessment of personal integrity and team effectiveness in the workplace.

John has also been actively involved in professional and ethical aspects of testing and applied psychology through his work in the British Psychological Society. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and the Royal Statistical Society.  He has delivered assessment consultancy to a number of organisations, including Natwest Bank, the Cabinet Office and the DES, as well as major city institutions and pharmaceutical companies.

John's Who's Who entry

John Rust's CV

Read more about John Rust in

The Enigma of Testing, The Psychologist, Vol 29, January 2016

 Meet the Expert in the October 2011 Pearson Assessment Newsletter.

Psychometric Tests Tests used in the psychological professions, commerce, industry, the public sector and the Health Services as well as in research. 

People Who Need People: Does psychometrics have a role in staff selection and development? City Insights Public Lecture by Professor John Rust, City University London, July 2005

Psychometrics and Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence systems such as neural networks and expert systems have an increasing role in test development. Presentation by Professor John Rust at the UK Test Users Conference, Brighton, December 2005


Key publications: 

 Mahalingam, V., Stillwell, D., Kosinski, M., Rust, J. & Kogan, A. (2014) Who Can Wait for the Future? A Personality Perspective. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 5(5), 573-583. Advance online publication  DOI: 10.1177/ 1948550613515007

Rust, J. (2012) Psychometrics. In Research Methods in Psychology, (Eds: G. M. Breakwell, J. A. Smith & D. B. Wright) 141-162.

Golombok, S., Rust, J., Xervoulis, K, Goilding, J and Hines, M. (2012) Continuity in sex-typed behavior from Preschool to Adoloscence: A Longitudinal population study of boys and girls aged 3-12 years. Archives of Sexual Behavior 41(3), 591-597. 

Wang, N., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D.J. & Rust, J.(2012) Can well-being be measured using Facebook status updates? Validation of Facebook’s Gross National Happiness Index by  Social Indicators Research.

Rust, J. & Golombok, S. (2008) Modern Psychometrics: The science of psychological assessment (3rd Edition). Routledge, London. (also in Chinese, Ren Min University Press, Beijing, 2011)

Golombok, S., Rust, J., Zervoulis, K., Croudace, T., Golding, J. & Hines, M. (2008) Developmental trajectories of sex-typed behaviour in boys and girls: A longitudinal population study of children aged 2.5 to 8 years. Child Development. 79(5) 1583-159.

Rust, J., Derogatis, L., Golombok, S. & Rodenberg, C. (2008) Manual of the Profile of Female Sexual Function (PFSF). Cincinnati: Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals.

Rust, J. (2008) Chapter on UK standardisation in Ravens Educational Standard Progressive Matrices Plus and Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. Pearson Assessment, London.

Rust, J. (2008) Chapter on UK standardisation in Ravens Educational Coloured Progressive Matrices Creighton Vocabulary Scale. Pearson Assessment, London.

Rust, J. (2007) The Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (ANRA). Harcourt Assessment, San Antonio, Texas.

Golombok, S., Olivennes, F., Ramogida, C., Freeman, T. & Rust, J. (2007) Parenting and the psychological development of triplets conceived by assisted reproduction: Findings from a general population study. Human Reproduction, 22(11) 2896-3902.

Rust, J. (2007) Aptitudes ai raisonnement numerique: RANRA Manuel. Les Editiones du Centre de psychologie Appliquee (ecpa), Paris.

Golombok, S. Chapman, E., Potter, W., Papachronopoulou-Botassi, S., Dhawan, V. & Rust, J. (2007) Clinical trial of the comparative breakage and slippage rates of a synthetic polysoprene condom (silk) and a control. Report to the United States Food and Drugs Administration.

Rust, J., Derogatis, L., Rodenberg, C, Koochaki, P., Schmitt, S. and Golombok, S. (2007) Development and validation of a new screening tool for hypoactive sexual desire disorder: The Brief Profile of Female Sexual Function (B-PFSF). Gynecological Endocrinology, 23(11), 638-644.

Freeman, T., Golombok, S. Olivennes, F. Ramogida, C. & Rust, J (2007) Psychological assessment of mothers and their assisted reproduction triplets at age 3 years. Reproductive Medicine Online. 15, Suppl 3, 13-7.

Rust, J & Golombok, S. (2007) The Handbook of the Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS), Pearson Assessment, London.

Rust, J & Golombok, S. (2007) The Handbook of the Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS), Pearson Assessment, London.

Rust, J. (2007) Chapter on UK translation, adaptation and standardisation in the Business Focused Inventory of Personality (BIP), Hogrefe (UK) Ltd, Oxford.

Raiford, S. E., Weiss, L. G., Rolfhus, E., Coalson, D. and Rust, J. (2006) The Weschler General Ability Index (UK). Harcourt Assessment, San Antonio.

Rust, J. (2006) Chapter on UK adaptation and standardisation in The Manual of the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals,  fourth UK Edition (CELF-IVUK) Harcourt Assessment: London.

Rust, J. (2006) Chapter on UK adaptation and standardisation in The Manual of the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Preschool Version, 2nd UK Edition (CELF-Preschool-IIUK) Harcourt Assessment: London.

Costa, P & McCrae, R., Rust, J. & Lord, W. (2006) Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), Manual (UK Edition). Hogrefe UK: Oxford.

Golombok, S., Murray, C., Jadva, V., Lycett, E., MacCallum, F. and Rust, J. (2006) Non-genetic and non-gestational parenthood: Consequences for parent-child relationships and the psychological well being of mothers, fathers and children at age 3. Human Reproduction.  21, 5

Rust, J. (2005) Chapter on UK adaptation and standardisation in The Manual of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (2nd UK Edition) (WIAT-IIUK). Harcourt Assessment: London

Rust, J., McDowall, A. & Daouk, L. (2005) Navigating the test maze with confidence. Selection and Development Review, 21 (3).

Iervolino, A., Hines, M., Golombok, S., Rust, J. & Plomin, R (2005) Genetic and environmental influences on sex-typed behaviour in pre-school children: A study of 2,426 same-sex twin pairs at 3 and 4 years of age. Child Development, 76(4), 826-840.

Daouk, L., Rust, J. & McDowall, A. (2005) Testing across languages and cultures: challenges for the development and administration of tests in the internet era. Selection and Development Review, 21(4).

Olivennes, F., Golombok, S., Ramogida, C., Rust, J & the Follow Up Team (2005) Behavioural and cognitive development as well as family functioning of twins conceived by assisted reproduction: findings from a large population study. Fertility and Sterility, 84, 3, 725-733

Rust, J. (2004) Chapter on UK adaptation and standardisation in The Manual of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th Revision (United Kingdom Edition, WISC-IVUK). London: Harcourt Assessment.

Rust, J.  (2004) Psychometric Testing In R.L. Gregory (Ed) Oxford Companion to the Mind (2ndEdition), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Golombok, S., Lycett, E., MacCallam, F., Jadva, V., Murray, C.,  Rust, J., Abdalla, H., Jenkins, J. & Margara, R. (2004) Parenting children conceived by gamete donation. Journal of Family Psychology, 18(3), 443-452.

McHorney, C. A., Rust, J., Golombok, S., Davis, S., Bouchard, C., Brown, C., Basson, R., Sarti, C. D., Kuznicki, J., Rodenberg, C. & Derogatis, L. (2004) The Profile of Female Sexual Function (PFSF): A patient-based, international, psychometric instrument for the assessment of hypoactive sexual desire in oophorectomized women. Menopause, 11(4), 474-483.

Rust, J. (2004) Chapter on UK standardisation in The Manual of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (United Kingdom Edition, WPPSI-IIIUK). London: Harcourt Assessment.

Derogatis, L, Rust, J., Golombok, S., Bouchard, C., Nachtigal, L. Rodenberg, C., Kuzniki, J. & McHorney, C. (2004) Validation of the Profile of Female Sexual Function (PFSF) in surgically and naturally menopausal women. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. 20(1), 25-36.

Lord, W. & Rust, J. (2003) The Big Five revisited: Where are we now? Selection and Development Review, 19(4), 15-18.

Hines, M., Golombok, S., Rust,  J., Johnston, K and Golding, J.  (2002) Testosterone during pregnancy and gender role behaviour in  pre-school children: a longitudinal population study. Child Development. 73(6), 342-357

Hines, M., Johnston, K., Golombok, S., Rust, J., Stevens, M., Golding, J. and the ALSPAC study  team.  (2002) Prenatal stress and gender role behavior in girls and boys: A longitudinal, population study. Hormones and Behavior.  42, 126-134

Rust, J. (2002) Manual of the Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (RANRA). Pearson Assessment, London.

Rust, J. (2002) Chapter on UK adaptation and standardisation in Manual of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (UK Edition). The Psychological Corporation, London & San Antonio

Golombok, S., Braeways, A., Giavazzi, M. T., Guerra, D, MacCallum, F. & Rust, J. (2002) The European Study of Assisted Reproduction Families: The Transition to Adolescence. Human Reproduction, 17 (3) 830-840.

Lord, W. & Rust, J. (2003) The Big Five revisited: Where are we now? Selection & Development Review, 19(4), 15-18.

Rust, J., Golombok, S., Hines, M., Johnston, K., Golding, J. and the ALSPAC study team (2000) The role of brothers and sisters in the gender development of preschool children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 77(4), 292-303.

Rust, J. & Golombok, S. (1999) Modern Psychometrics: The science of psychological assessment (2nd edition). Routledge: London and NY.

Rust, J. (1999)  The discriminant validity of the 'big five' personality traits in employment settings.Social Behaviour and Personality, 27(1), 99-108

Rust, J. (1999) The validity of the Giotto integrity test. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 755-768.

Rust, J. (1998) Psychometric test development using artificial intelligence: The case of Giotto.Proceedings of the 1998 Occupational Psychology Conference, 178-182.

Rust, J and Golombok, S. (1998) The GRISS: A psychometric scale and profile of sexual dysfunction. In C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarber, R. Bauserman, G. Schreer and S. L. Davis (Eds) Handbook of Sexually-Related Measures, Sage: Thousand Oaks CA, pp192-194.

Rust, J.  (1998) The validation of the Orpheus minor scales in a working population. Social Behaviour and Personality, 26(4), 399-406.

Rust, J. (1997) Giotto Manual. Pearson Assessment, London.

Rust, J. (1997) Vices and virtues as psychometric traits. Selection and Development Review, 13(6), 9-11.

Rust, J. (1996) The Manual of the Wechsler Objective Numerical Dimensions (WOND), The Psychological Corporation, London.

Rust, J. (1996) The Manual of the Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions (WOLD), The Psychological Corporation, London.

Rust, J. (1996) The Manual of the Wechsler Quick Test. The Psychological Corporation, London.

Rust, J. (1996) The Manual of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, UK Edition (WIAT-UK).The Psychological Corporation, London.

Rust, J. (1996) Orpheus Manual, Pearson Assessment, London. 

Rust, J. (1995) Review of the ACER Test of Reasoning Ability. Mental Measurement Yearbook, 12th Edition, Buros Institute, University of Nebraska Press; Lincoln NE.

Rust, J. (1995) Review of the ACER Advanced Test B90: New Zealand Edition. Mental Measurement Yearbook, 12th Edition. Buros Institute, University of Nebraska Press; Lincoln NE.

Styles, W., Grant, J., Golombok, S., Rust, J. & Bouchier-Hayes, T. (1994) Vocational training for general practice: attendance rates for release courses. Education for General Practice, 5, 66-70.

Rust, J., Golombok, S. and Trickey, G. (1993) Manual of the Wechsler Objective Reading Dimensions (WORD). The Psychological Corporation: London

Rust, J. (1993) Review of the ACER Test of Reasoning Ability. Accession number AN-12071130, Mental Measurements Yearbook Database (Search Label MMYD), BRS Information Technologies.

Rust, J. (1993) Review of the ACER Advanced Test B90: New Zealand Edition.  Accession number AN-12071109, Mental Measurements Yearbook Database (Search Label MMYD), BRS Information Technologies.

Golombok, S. and Rust, J. (1993) The measurement of Gender-Role Behaviour in Pre-School Children: A Research NoteJournal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 34(5) 805-811.

Golombok, S. and Rust, J.  (1993) The Pre-School Activities Inventory: A standardized assessment of gender role in children. Psychological Assessment, 5(2), 131-136.

Styles, W., Grant, J., Golombok, S. and Rust, J. and Bouchier-Hayes, T. (1993) The hospital component of vocational training for general practice: The views of the course organizers.Postgraduate Education in General Practice, 4(3), 203-208.

Rust, J. (1992) Editorial: Philosophical psychology in the 1990s. Philosophical Psychology, 5(1), 3-6.

Rust, J. (1992) Chapter on UK standardisation in The Manual of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - 3rd Revision. The Psychological Corporation: London.

Rust, J. (1992) Schizotypal thinking among members of occult sects Social Behaviour and Personality, 20(2), 121-129.

Bolton, V., Golombok, S., Cook, R., Bish, A. and Rust, J.  (1991) A comparative study of attitudes towards doner insemination and egg donation in recipients, potential donors and the public. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstretics and Gynaecology, 12, 217-228

Golombok, S., Stavrou, A., Mogg, K., Bonn, J., Critchlow, S. and Rust, J. (1991) The effects of diazepam on anxiety-related cognition. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 15(6) 459-467.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1990) Stress and marital discord: some sex differences. Stress Medicine 6, 25-27

Rust, J., Bennun, I. Crowe, M. and Golombok, S.  (1990) The GRIMS: A psychometric instrument for the assessment of marital discord. Journal of Family Therapy, 12, 45-57.

Rust, J. (1990) Delusions, irrationality and cognitive science. Philosophical Psychology, 3(1), 123-138.

 Leste, A. and Rust, J. (1990)  Effects of dance on anxiety. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 12(1), 19-26. (Reprint of Leste, A. and Rust, J. (1984)  Effects of dance on anxietyPerceptual and Motor Skills, 58(3), 767-722.

Golombok, S, Sketchley, J. and Rust, J. (1989) Condom use among homosexual men. AIDS Care, 1(1), 27-33.

Rust, J. (1989) The Handbook of the Rust Inventory of Schizotypal Cognitions (RISC). London: The Psychological Corporation Ltd.

Rust, J. (1989) The Handbook of the Rust Inventory of Schizotypal Cognitions (RISC), Spanish Edition. The Psychological Corporation: San Antonio.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1989) Modern Psychometrics.Routledge and Kegan Paul: London (reprinted 1994)

Rust, J., Golombok, S. and Abram, M. (1989) Creativity and schizotypal thinking. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 150(2), 225-227.

Rust, J and Goldstein J. H. (1989) Humour in marital adjustment. Humor: Internationsl Journal of Humor Research, 2(3), 217-223.

Golombok, S., Sketchley, J. and Rust, J. (1989) Condom use among homosexual men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2(4), 404-409.

Feldman, J. and Rust, J. (1989) Religiosity, schizotypal thinking and schizophrenia. Psychological Reports, 65, 587-593.

Rust, G. & Golombok, S. (1989) The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS), In J. Touliatos, Perlmutter, B. F. and Straus, M. A. (Eds.) Handbook of family measurement techniques, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Rust, J., Bennun, I. Crowe, M. and Golombok, S. (1989) The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS). In J. Touliatos, Perlmutter, B. F. and Straus, M. A. (Eds.) Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Hong, I. and Rust, J. (1989) Androgyny and openness to experience in a Chinese population. Social Behaviour and Personality, 17(2), 215-218.

Rust, J., Bennun, I., Crowe, M. and Golombok, S.  (1988) The Handbook of the Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS), NFER-Nelson, Windsor.

Rust, J., Golombok, S. and Collier, J. (1988)  Marital problems and sexual dysfunction: How are they related? British Journal of Psychiatry, 152, 629-631.

Rust, J. (1988) Sociobiology and psychometrics: Do they really need each other? Philosophical Psychology, 1(1) 117-129.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1988) The GRISS: A psychometric scale and profile of sexual dysfunction. In Sexuality Related Measures: A Compendium. Eds. C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarber and S. L. Davis. Graphic Publishing: Lake Mills, Iowa, pp. 241-243.

Rust, J., Bennun, I., Crowe, M. and Golombok, S.  (1988) The GRIMS: A psychometric instrument for the assessment of marital discord. In Sexuality Related Measures: A Compendium. Eds. C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarber and S. L. Davis. Graphic Publishing: Lake Mills, Iowa, pp. 223-225.

Rust, J., Moncada, A. and Lepage, B. (1988) Personality dimensions through the schizophrenia borderline. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 61, 163-166.

Golombok, S. and Rust, J. (1988) Diagnosis of sexual dysfunction: Relationships between DSM III(R) and the GRISS. Sexual and Marital Therapy, 3(1), 119-124.

Rust, J. and Chiu, H. (1988) Schizotypal estimators in adolescence: The concurrent validation of the RISC. Social Behaviour and Personality, 16(1), 25-31.

Rust, J. (1988) The Rust Inventory of Schizotypal Cognitions (RISC), Schizophrenia Bulletin, 14(2), 317-322.

Rust, J. (1988) Implications of connectionism for psychophysiology. Journal of Psychophysiology, 2(2), 87-89.

Rust, J. (1987) EEG alpha rhythm and eye-lid flutter, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 64, 715-718. (image detail)

Rust, J. (1987) Is psychology a cognitive science?, Journal of Applied Philosophy, 4(1), 49-55.

Rust, J. (1987) The Rust Inventory of Schizoid Cognitions (RISC): A psychometric measure of psychoticism in the normal population. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 26(2), 151-152.

Rust, J., Golombok, S and Pickard, C. (1987) Marital problems in general practice, Sexual and Marital Therapy, 2(2), 127-130.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1986) The Handbook of the Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS), NFER-Nelson,Windsor.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1986) The GRISS: A psychometric instrument for the assessment of sexual dysfunction. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 15(2), 153-161.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1986) The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (Male), Psychological Assessment Resources: Odessa, FL.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1986) The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (Female), Psychological Assessment Resources: Odessa, FL.

Rust, J., Bennun, I., Crowe, M. and Golombok, S. (1986) The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State, Sexual and Marital Therapy, 1(1), 55-60.

Golombok, S. and Rust, J. (1986) The Warnock Report and Single Women: What about the Children? Journal of Medical Ethics, 12(4), 182-186.

N'Dagua, D., Rust, J., Golombok, S. and Fenwick, P. (1986)  Relationship problems in women with temporal lobe epilepsySexual and Marital Therapy, 1(2), 175-177.

Layton, C. and Rust, J. (1986) The factor structure of the 60 item General Health QuestionnaireSocial Behaviour and Personality, 14(2), 123-131.

Rust, J. (1985) The measurement of sexual desire. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Sexology, New Delhi, November 1985, Indian Association of Sex Educators, Counsellors and Therapists, Bombay.

Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1985) The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS), British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24(1), 63-64.

Bennun, I., Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (1985) The effects of marital therapy on sexual satisfaction. Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, 14(2), 65-72.

Leste, A. and Rust, J. (1984)  Effects of dance on anxiety. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 58(3), 767-722.

Rust, J. (1984) Genetic sources of variation in electrodermal measures: A twin study. Indian Journal of Psychophysiology, 2, 12-20.

Golombok, S., Rust, J. and Pickard, C. (1984)  Sexual problems encountered in general practice. British Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11, 171-175.

Francis, L., Rust, J. and Wesley, B. (1979)  The religious attitude research project. Bulletin of the Association for Religious Education, 11, 10-15

Eysenck, S. B. G., Rust, J. and Eysenck, H. J. (1977) Personality and the classification of adult offenders. British Journal of Criminology, 17(2), 169-179.

Rust, J. (1977) Habituation and the orienting response in the auditory cortical evoked potential. Psychophysiology, 14(2), 123-126.

Wilson, G. D., Rust, J. and Kasriel, J. (1977) Genetic and family origins of humour preferences: A twin study. Psychological Reports, 41(2), 659-660.

Rust, J. (1976) Generalization and dishabituation of the orienting response by a stimulus of lower intensity. Physiological Psychology, 4(1), 99-101.

Rust, J. (1976) Unconditioned response diminution in the skin resistance response. Journal of General Psychology, 95(1), 77-84.

Martin, I. and Rust, J. (1976) Habituation and the structure of the electrodermal systemPsychophysiology, 13(6), 554-562.

Rust, J. (1975) Genetic effects in the cortical auditory evoked potential: A twin study. The EEG Journal, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 39(4), 321-327.

Rust, J. (1975) Cortical evoked potential, personality and intelligence. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 89(10), 1220-1226.

Rust, J. (1974) Interactions of reliabilities in personality measurement. Social Behaviour and Personality 2(1), 108-110.

Sartory, G. and Rust, J. (1973) The effects of a single administration of Etifoxine on several psychological tests. Psychopharmacologia, 29(4), 365-384.

Founder, Psychometrics Centre
Associate Fellow, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence

Contact Details

Leverhulme CFI, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB
Available for consultancy

