Dr Igor Menezes is a leading Psychometrician, specialising in Multivariate Item Response Theory (MIRT) and now a Lecturer at the University of Lincoln. Until April 2017 he was a Research Associate in the Cambridge Judge Business School and a psychometrician in the Psychometrics Centre, working on a project in partnership with the Board of Studies, Teaching, and Educational Standards (BOSTES) from New South Wales, Australia. This project seeks to combine cutting edge techniques from psychometrics and machine learning to help improve the standards of achievement in NSW schools.
He has more than ten years’ experience working as a professor and researcher of quantitative methods and psychometrics and has supervised undergraduate and graduate students in different fields, such as organisational psychology, educational assessment, healthcare, and personality. His research interests include statistics, machine learning, psychometrics, computerised adaptive testing, R programming, decision-making, organisational behaviour and educational assessment.
He is currently devising a machine learning based application focused on the development of a leadership profiling which hinges on several cognitive and psychological characteristics, including decision-making, risk assessment and personality. A similar algorithm will concurrently be deployed to assess the risk of employees to leave their current organisation.
Igor was also an Academic Visitor to The Psychometrics Centre for the academic year 2013-2014 and continues to work with us on different projects.
Menezes, I.G.; Duran, V.R.; Mendonca-Filho, E.J.; Sarmento, S.S.; Veloso, T.; Paget, C.; Ruggeri, K. (2016). Policy implications of performance testing and multilevel models: The case of Brazil elementary schools. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1727, 1-20.
Garcia-Garzon, E.; Zhukovsky, P.; Plakolm, S.; Haller, E.; Petrova, D.; Mahalingam, V.; Menezes, I.G.; Ruggeri, K. (2016). Multilevel modelling and public health policy development: Guidelines and applications to medical travel. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:752, 1-12.
Gomes, A.C.P.; Menezes, I.G.; Lozado, J.; Bastos, A.V.B. (2016). Conception and validation of the Behavioral Intentions Scale of Organizational Citizenship (BISOC)". Psychology: Research and Review, 29:35, 1-8.
Zhukovsky, P.; Ruggeri, K. Garcia-Garzon; Plakolm, S.; Haller, E.; Petrova, D.; Mahalingam, V.; Menezes, I.G.; (2016). Global health policy and access to care: Investigating patient choice on an international level using social media. Frontiers in Public Health, 3:284, 1-15.
Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B.; Duran, V.R.; Veloso, T.J.; Almeida, K.M. (2015). Organizational Commitment: towards an integrated concept linking the attitudinal and behavioral approaches. International Journal of Management Sciences, 6, 204-217.
Oliveira, I.R. ; Seixas, C.; Osorio, F.L.; Crippa, J.A.S.; Abreu, J.N.S. ; Menezes, I.G.; Sudak, D.; Wenzel, A. (2015). Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire (CD-Quest) in a sample of undergraduate students. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 12, 13-20.
Freitas, K.S.; Menezes, I.G.; Mussi, F.C. (2015). Validation of the comfort scale for relatives of people in critical health status". Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 23(4), 660-668.
Gomes, C.M.A.; Golino, H.F.; Menezes, I.G. (2014). Predicting School Achievement Rather than Intelligence: Does Metacognition Matter?. Psychology, 5(9), 1095-1110.
Andrade, N.C.; Mello, C.B.; Abreu, N.; Menezes, I.G.; Duran, V.R.; Moreira, N.A. (2014). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Emotion Matching Task: an emotion neuropsychological assessment. Psico-USF, v.19, p. 297-306.
Gomes, A.C.P.; Bastos, A.V.B.; Mendonca-Filho, E.J.; Menezes, I.G. (2014). Citizenship and organizational citizenship: Conceptual and theoretical questions concerning the research field. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 14, 711-731.
Lima Filho, R.N.; Bruni, A.L.; Menezes, I.G. (2013). Validation of the Need for Cognition test for Behavioural Accounting. Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, 33, 112-131.
Lobao, W.M.; Menezes, I.G. (2012). Construction and content validation of the scale of predisposition to the occurrence of adverse events. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 20, 796-803.
Sampaio, L.R.; Guimaraes, P.R.B.; Camino, C.P.S.; Formiga, N.S.; Menezes, I.G. (2011). Studies on the empathy dimensionality: translation and adaptation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI). Psico (PUCRS), 42, 67-76.
Bastos, A.V.B.; Menezes, I.G. (2011). Intention to stay: a component or an outcome of organizational commitment? Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), 15, 299-307.
Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B. (2011). Organizational commitment: some issues surrounding its nature and conceptual bounds. Estudos de Psicologia (PUCCAMP), 28, 1-15.
Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B. (2011). Attitudinal Organizational commitment: an empirical research about construct dimensionality. Estudos de Psicologia (PUCCAMP), 28, 463-474.
Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B. (2010). Conception, Development, and validation of Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Commitment Scale (BIOCS). Avaliação Psicológica, 9, 119-127.
Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B. (2010). Psychometric properties of Behavioral Intentions to Remaining with the Organization Scale (BIROS). Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 10, 1-15.
Menezes, I.G.; Sampaio, L.R.; Gomes, A.C.P.; Teixeira, F.S.; Santos, P.S. (2009). Organizational climate scale for health organizations: development and factor structure. Estudos de Psicologia (PUCCAMP), 26, 305-316.
Bastos, A.V.B.; Souza, J.A.J.; Menezes, I.G.; Neris, J.S.; Melo, L.C.T.; Brandão, L.A.G.A. (2007). Implicit theory of organization and innovation patterns in the management process. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, Porto Alegre, 20, 1.
Publications - book chapters
Bastos, A.V.B.; Pinho, A.P.M.; Aguiar, C.V.N.; Menezes, I.G. Organizational Commitment: Improvement and validity evidence of the three-dimensional model of Meyer and Allen in the Brazilian context. In: José Carlos Zanelli; Narbal Silva; Suzana da Rosa Tolfo. (Org.). Psychosocial Processes in Organizations and Work. 1st ed. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo, 2011, v. 1, p. 145-160.
Menezes, I.G.; Mussi, F.C.; Kimura, M.; Freitas, K.S.; Gomes, A.C.P.; Lozado, J.A.; Silva, J.S.; Mendonca-Filho Conception, validation, and standardization of the Quality of Life Scale for Patients with Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (QoL-WMSD Scale). In: Ministry of Health, E.J.. (Org.). Health Technology Assessment: A Selection of Studies Supported by DECIT. 1st ed. Brasília: Editora MS, 2011, v. 1, p. 47-47.
Bastos, A.V.B; Siqueira, M.; Medeiros, C.A.; Menezes, I.G. Organizational commitment. In: Mirlene Siqueira. (Org.). Measures of Organizational Behaviour. 1st ed. Porto Alegre: ARTMED, 2008, 49-96.
Menezes, I.G.; Mussi, F.C.; Kimura, M.; Freitas, K.S.; Gomes, A.C.P.; Lozado, J.A.; Silva, J.S.; Mendonca-Filho, E.J. (2011). Content Validity of the Quality of Life Scale for Patients with Work- related Musculoskeletal Disorders (QoL-WMSD Scale). In: HTAi 2011 - 8th Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro.
Menezes, I.G.; Kimura, M.; Mussi, F.C.; Freitas, K.S.; Gomes, A.C.P. (2010). Applying the Item Response Theory (IRT) to Maximize the Value of HTA. In: HTAi 2010 - 7th Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
Gomes, A.C.P., Bastos. A.V.B.; Menezes, I.G. (2010). Development of the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Citizenship Scale . In: III Congresso Brasileiro Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, São Paulo.
Menezes, I.G.; Kimura, M.; Mussi, F.C.; Freitas, K.S.; Gomes, A.C.P. (2010). Quality of Life for Patients with Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (QoL-WMSD Scale) - Initial Measure Development Process in Brazil. In: HTAi 2010 - 7th Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
Menezes, I.G, Bastos, A.V.B. Construction, Development and Validation of the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Commitment Scale (BIOCS). In: XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, 2009, Campinas.
Gomes, A.C.P.; Menezes, I.G.; Mendonça, R.F.; Santos, P.S.; Alves Filho, A.P. Perception of Leadership Scale: development and factor structure. In: XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, 2009, Campinas.
Mendonça, R F.; Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B.; Alves Filho, A.P.; Santos, P.S. (2009). Psychometric Properties of Behavioral Intentions to Remaining with the Organization Scale (BIROS). In: XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, Campinas.
Santos, P.S.; Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B.; Alves Filho, A.P.; Mendonça, R.F. (2009). Organizational Commitment: an empirical study on the dimensionality of the construct. In: XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, Campinas.
Menezes, I.G.; Bastos, A.V.B. (2009). Defining the Organizational Commitment: Structural Equation Modeling of Attitudinal and Behavioral Variables. In: XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, Campinas.
Gomes, A.C.P.; Menezes, I.G.; Alves Filho, A.P.; Mendonça, R.F.; Santos, P.S. (2009). Construction and Validation of the Person-Group Trust Scale. In: XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, Campinas.
Menezes, I.G. (2009). The Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Skills for Professional Certification. In: I Congresso Brasileiro de Teoria de Resposta ao Item (CONBRATRI), Florianópolis.
Lima, I.D.M.; Menezes, I.G. (2008). Factor Personality Inventory (Big Five): a construct validity study in the San Francisco Valley about college students. In: Seminário de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação. UNIVASF, Petrolina.
Menezes, I.G.; Silva Filho, J.H. (2007). Development of the Weighted Scores Standardization Model via IRT: Comparing classical and modern psychometric methods. In: III Congresso Brasileiro de Avaliação Psicológica e XII Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, João Pessoa.
Menezes, I.G. (2015). Psychometric Techniques Advances in Neuropsychology. Brazilian Neuropsychology Society National Congress. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. (In Portuguese)
Menezes, I.G. (2015). An Introduction to Item Response Theory with Applications in R. Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia.
Menezes, I.G. (2015). Psychological Assessment and the Training of Psychologists. Pearson Brazil, Salvador, Bahia.
Menezes, I.G. (2014). Multilevel Analysis: Application in Large Scale Assessments. Institute of Psychology, Cambridge, UK.
Menezes, I.G. (2014). Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Using R. Institute of Psychology, Cambridge, UK.
Menezes, I.G. (2009). Construction, development, and validation of research instruments. Bahia State University, Salvador, Bahia.
Menezes, I.G. (2009). Construction, development and validation of the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Commitment Scale (BIOCS). Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Menezes, I.G.; Silva Filho, J.H.; Pasian, S.R. (2007). Proposal of a Weighted Model for Standardization of scores via Item Response Theory (IRT). Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment, Joao Pessoa, Brazil.
Menezes, I.G. (2007). Criteria and instruments for assessment of educational programs, Institute of Education, Salvador, Bahia