Dr Xiaofei Qi is a School Psychologist who heading up the Psychometrics Centre's project to develop a computerised adaptive entrance test for Eton College. Currently she is a postdoc in the Faculty of Education at Cambridge. Eton was founded by King Henry VI in 1440 A.D. and today is recognised as the leading fee-paying school in the UK, if not the world. In terms of the success of its pupils it is second to none. Dr Qi's work has focussed on the effects of school, particularly during the preschool and primary years, on children's intellectual, emotional and ethical development as well as well-being more generally.
Xiaofei obtained a BA in Education at Shandong Normal University, China in 2006, followed by an MA in Early Childhood Education at East China Normal University in Shanghai in 2009. She progressed to Birkbeck College, University of London, obtaining a PhD in Psychology in 2015 with a thesis entitled "Does preschool experience matter?'. She is a member of the Society for Research in Child Development, the Society for the Study of Behaviour Development, the British Psychological Society and the American Psychological Association as well as an accomplished user of AMOS, Python and Mplus software.