The Psychometrics Centre carried out the UK standardisation of the 3rd Revision of the British Ability Scales (BAS-III) in 2009-2013. for GL Assessment (formerly NFER Nelson). The BAS-III has long been established as one of the UK’s leading standardized batteries for assessing a child’s cognitive ability.
The new norms were based on data collected from a national representative sample stratified by region, gender, ethnic group and parental education level in terms of the National Census. The project was assisted by over 50 Educational Psychologists who have tested 1,480 nursery, primary and secondary schoolchildren and students in over 100 schools nationally.
For nearly two decades The Psychometrics Centre has worked with major test publishers on the Anglicisation and standardisation of many well known tests for use in the UK. We have standardised the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (both WISC-III and WISC IV), the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WORD, WOND, WOLD and WIAT-II), the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-IV) and the Ravens Progressive Matrices for Pearson Assessment (formerly the Psychological Corporation and Harcourt Assessment)
BAS-III was published in Autumn 2011. For more information please contact GL-Assessment.