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The Psychometrics Centre

Cambridge Judge Business School

We were successfully involved in the UK standardisation of the international standard assessment of emotional intelligence: the BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory.

The Inventory is published by MHS Inc, based in Toronto, Canada; Buffalo, USA and Newbury, UK. It is widely used in the USA to measure emotional and social competence.

MHS tasked us with gathering the data to generate a technically excellent UK edition. We used the UK Census 2001 to ensure data represented the UK population.  The project involved liaison with more than 200 companies resulting in the collation of responses from over 1000 individuals

The project was led by Sophia Papachronopoulou-Botassi. Now BarOn EQ-i can be used with confidence in the UK, enabling organizations and their employees to achieve higher performance in daily tasks by maximizing strong areas and targeting areas for improvement.  

Nicky Schlatter from MHS UK commented:

"Within a short period of time participants were contacted, sent the assessment and results collected, enabling us to provide UK norms for our Emotional Intelligence tool.  This was an efficient and very accommodating service, with constant and consistent contact! "

This standardisation highlights The Psychometrics Centre's ability to organise large scale data collection exercises efficiently and quickly. 

The EQ-I is published by Multi-Health Systems in Canada and is available in the UK

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